The Story Of The Book ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ by Sue Ellson
Compiled by Sue Ellson
Written in reverse chronological order and detailing the journey of this book and how it came to be and what has happened along the way! Happy Reading!
01/08/2016 Signed a book distribution contract with Woodslane – one of Australia’s leading book wholesalers and distributors since 1988 for two years. See the book details online here and the catalogue new release here.

01/08/2016 Book shared with participants at the annual Australian Careers Service event in Melbourne at Crown Metropol and hosted by the Good Education Group. The book was then accepted by the team at the Good Education Group for inclusion in their library.
25/06/2016 – 26/06/2016 Book showcased and available for purchase at the Reinvent Your Career Expo in Melbourne Stand A3 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Exhibition Place, South Wharf, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3006 from 10am to 4pm both days
30/05/2016 Found ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ in the OCLC WorldCat Book Catalogue showing the location of the book in World Libraries
24/05/2016 State Library of South Australia Acquisitions Department purchased a copy of the book.
23/04/2016 ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn‘ accepted into the Adelaide City Library in Adelaide.
22/04/2016 ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ accepted into the State Library of South Australia in Adelaide in the General Reference Collection
21/04/2016 ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ accepted into the University of South Australia Library at the City West Campus in Adelaide
21/04/2016 Book Signing conducted at Dymocks Book Store, 153 Rundle Mall, Adelaide

21/04/2016 Sent off application to have the book distributed through Woodslane
20/04/2016 ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn‘ at the Burnside Library in Adelaide
13/04/2016 ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ at the Albert Park Library in Melbourne now in the catalogue at,1?SVL=21013567

11/04/2016 Dymocks Rundle Mall Adelaide agreed to a Book Signing Event on Thursday 21 April 2016 12pm – 2pm – all details online at – register to attend at

05/04/2016 Visited Albert Park Library and they have accepted the book for their collection – yay! First library edition!

04/04/2016 Found the press release published on and
04/04/2016 Found the book listed on the My Shopping website at–1285330320_120_Ways_to_Achieve_Your_Purpose_with_Linkedin_by_Sue_Ellson
31/03/2016 12o Ways website featured on the CAE’s website at
30/03/2016 Submitted press release to PressBox and now online at
29/03/2016 Entered the 24th Annual Writer’s Digest Self Published Book Awards in the Non-Fiction Paperback Category
26/03/2016 Submitted press release to and now online at
26/03/2016 Submitted press release to Newswire and now online at
25/03/2016 Opened an account at Release Wire and secured a profile page at
25/03/2016 Notified that press release was picked up at
25/03/2016 Submitted press release to PR Log and now online at with a Business Profile at
25/03/2016 Submitted press release to and
25/03/2016 Submitted press release to PR Inside and now online at

25/03/2016 Submitted press release to Press Release Point and now online at also provided a profile page at – this release was picked up in our Google Alerts on 26/03/2016 and identified by LinkedIn who recognised ‘Sue Ellson’ as being in the news so LinkedIn shared a news update to all of Sue Ellson’s connections. Sue Ellson acknowledged this publicity on the Facebook Page.

25/03/2016 Sent out a media release through AAP Medianet to Online Journalists, Global News Catalogues and with an Additional Web Category and published under the web category:Books & Literature and Business & Company News
25/03/2016 Sent out a media release through Newsmaker and now online at with a PDF here
24/03/2016 Delivered the book to Dymocks Lower Ground Floor 234 Collins Street, Melbourne for potential consignment – this is the store where Sue Ellson has previously hosted ‘Meet The Author’ lunches for Newcomers Network several years ago
24/03/2016 Sent out the first Australian Media Release to news services, literary agents and more (almost 1,000 email addresses) ‘Top CEO’s get bottom LinkedIn results‘ via MailChimp
21/03/2016 Created and uploaded a short video on the details in the book
19/03/2016 Found the book listed on at as well as the US store of at
18/03/2016 Submitted a Press Release to Newswire Today and now online at
16/03/2016 Hi Sue, I hope you are well and I wanted to thank you for writing and publishing your new book which I purchased this morning at Camberwell Dymocks. I know your expertise and wisdom will be a great help to many. The best is yet to come. Kindest Regards Rod Steele
11/03/2016 Book listed on ‘Authors Unlimited’ – books published by Australian Authors and have an Author Page at

11/03/2016 Received an email of congratulations – Congratulations Sue! This is excellent to see. Wishing you the very best for your book’s success. Kind regards, Linda Diggle
11/03/2016 Received second Amazon Review (now up to 10 sales on Amazon)
11/03/2016 Created 120 Ways Instagram Profile
10/03/2016 Received a congratulations message over the phone in relation to the the marketing of the book from Sue Davis – she also requested a product that helps people start and create a LinkedIn Profile from scratch
10/03/2016 Sue Ellson spoke at the Rotary Club of Footscray 0n 20 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn

09/03/2016 Sold 16 books online in one day and had 352 visits to this website
09/03/2016 Found that the book was on the Top 10 Ebook List on a well known website

09/03/2016 Created Board on Pinterest with Photos from this website
09/03/2016 Added details of book to LinkedIn Pulse
09/03/2016 Accidentally received $2,999.00 in my bank account for one book instead of $29.99 – so had to refund $2,969.01 – now the book offers great value…perhaps the price should be increased? 🙂
09/03/2016 Received many emails of ‘congratulations’ on producing the book from LinkedIn Connections.
‘CONGRATULATIONS Sue – great accomplishment!’ Natalie Cossar
‘Congratulations and good luck Sue’ Bill Lang
‘Hi Sue, Congratulations on the new book. So many, myself included, wish to write a book however to deliver on that wish is a major accomplishment. Your brand can only go up with this new ‘business card’. I’ve purchased it (via Amazon) and it will come in handy for some of the school workshops I’m planning later in the year. I’m looking forward to learning more because my background is in marketing and PR. Wishing you lots of success in this endeavour (& with future publishing goals). Cheers’
Scott Tetley
‘Great to hear from you and pleased by your success.’ Peter Dewar
‘Hi Sue, Congratulations on launching your very own book. I am greatly impressed. Also all that you taught me about the blog is still being practised and getting new clients.’ Christine Hopper
‘Congrats on your book Sue! :)’ Andrea Martins
‘Congratulations Sue, fabulous job! And great marketing! I wish you well with the book(s)’ Glenda May
‘Well done Sue!!’ Farrel Savitz
‘Hi Sue, Congratulations. I am sure this book will be a guide and help for many people.’ Pramod Hatkhambkar
09/03/2016 Featured in a post on writer Peter Dewar‘s Facebook Page ‘Highly approachable Sue Ellson started on LinkedIn as a matter of survival. Busy consultancy later and with a diary full of speaking engagements, she has written a book about using LinkedIn effectively. Haven’t read the book, but I do know Sue.
09/03/2016 Featured in a Pulse Post on Doug Weller‘s LinkedIn Profile ‘My good friend and colleague Sue Ellson has just written a fabulous book about how to get the best value out of LinkedIn. Well done Sue.‘
09/03/2016 Received first book review (and received five stars) on Amazon by Jilly – ‘This book is packed with information and ideal for those wanting to get more out of LinkedIn. Good job Sue!’
09/03/2016 Emailed Sue Ellson’s 7,985 connections on LinkedIn with details of the book and made sales via the 120 Ways website and Amazon. Offered a full refund on the book price if the person writes a review on Amazon before 31 March 2016.
08/03/2016 Prepared first Facebook advertisements to go to connections from LinkedIn and to expatriates from Canada, Australia and Germany in USA
08/03/2016 Found the book listed on Google Books
08/03/2016 Guest Speaker at the Rotary Club of Hawthorn ’20 Ways To Achieve Our Purpose With LinkedIn’
07/03/2016 Author Profile Published on Australian Society of Authors website and book listed at
07/03/2016 Received invitation to sign a book distribution contract with Woodslane
04/03/2016 Added Question and Answer Summaries and Videos to the 120 Ways Publishing Membership Program
04/03/2016 Updated my Author Profile and listed my book on the Australian Society of Authors website
04/03/2016 Discovered that the book has been copied and is now available free of charge on several pirate websites. However, the free copy of the book has a virus included (thanks Chris La Nauze for reporting this) – so please be warned, only purchase a legitimate copy from reputable websites – like 120ways, Amazon, Book Depository etc.
02/03/2016 Book became available on Book Depository – and a printed copy can now be delivered anywhere in the world for free!
01/03/2016 Guest Speaker at the Melbourne SEO Meetup Group ’20 Things You Didn’t Know About LinkedIn’ – video, audio recording and handout online at
01/03/2016 Created a page for compiling all of the Book Reviews for ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’
29/02/2016 Accepted as an Author on Amazon
29/02/2016 Added eBook to eBay
27/02/2016 Featured on the Independent Publisher Book Awards Facebook Page
26/02/2016 Featured on the IngramSpark Facebook Page
24/02/2016 Sue Ellson delivered a copy of the book to Vikram Nair at LinkedIn in Melbourne

24/02/2016 Third session of one hour with Euan Mitchell, Author Advisor
23/02/2016 Book Launched at Dymocks Book Store, Level 1, The Well, 793 Burke Road Camberwell, Melbourne, Australia with Kerry Daly from Camberwell Centre Association and Hugh Davies from Macfarlan Lane and the author Sue Ellson in front of 69 guests. 33 books sold at the event and 9 books given to selected contributors. Listen to the audio recording here (00:18:40 8.59MB). See all the photos and the whole story at and the video at

22/02/2016 Aaron Brendel finishes setting up online shop and 120 Ways Publishing Membership Program and next 90 printed books ordered (arrived 26/2/2016)
22/02/2016 Accepted as an Author on Goodreads and

19/02/2016 Posted the book to Independent Publishers – Jenkins Group, 1129 Woodmere Ave – Suite B, Traverse City, MI, USA, 49686 and entered the 2016 IPPY Awards2016 Entrant Independent Publisher Book Awards Category 39. Business/Career/Sales
The World’s Largest International and Regional Book Awards Competition
18/02/2016 Added eBook to Gumroad and
18/02/2016 Collected first 100 printed paper books from IngramSpark Printers, Scoresby, Melbourne

15/02/2016 eBook added to Scribd
15/02/2016 eBook added to Amazon
15/02/2016 eBook added to 120 Ways Publishing
15/02/2016 Vaughne Geary films short introduction to book launch video at Dymocks Book Store Camberwell

14/02/2016 Sue Ellson finishes book cover and content PDF files prepared in InDesign and submits final proof to IngramSpark Printers 79,694 words
10/02/2016 Sent first incorrect proof to IngramSpark Printers of 79,392 words
09/02/2016 Vaughne Geary completes more Proof Reading of 65,000 words
06/02/2016 Carmen spots the ‘Meet The Author’ sign at The Well in Camberwell

05/02/2016 Aaron Brendel begins setting up online shop and 120 Ways Publishing Membership Program
28/01/2016 Second session of one hour with Euan Mitchell, Author Advisor
26/01/2016 Story in ‘What’s On’ section of local Progress Leader Newspaper for Book Launch

24/01/2016 Colleen Bate completes first round of Proof Reading of 44,000 words

22/01/2016 Called in to ABC774AM Radio Mornings Program to speak to Jon Faine about self publishing (Listen to the audio recording here 00:01:34 3.2MB)
15/01/2016 Book launch featured on the local City of Boroondara Council website (achieve your purchase instead of purpose – too funny!)
14/01/2016 Book launch added to Eventbrite and shared through extra websites
07/01/2016 Dymocks Book Store Camberwell agrees to host the Book Launch
05/01/2016 Book Cover Design Finalised thanks to Avanska Design
28/12/2015 Lodged Cover Design Brief to 99 Designs
23/12/2015 Decided to Launch the book ‘120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn’ on 23 February 2016
21/12/2015 First two hour consultation and advice meeting with Euan Mitchell, Author Advisor, purchased a copy of the book ‘Your Book Publishing Options: How to Make and Market Ebooks and Print Books‘ by Euan Mitchell
29/11/2015 Changed the name of the first three books to 120 Ways To Achieve Your Purpose With LinkedIn, 120 Ways To Attract The Right Career Or Business, 120 Ways To Market Your Business Hyper Locally

25 – 30/11/2015 Returned to Clifton Springs for another writing spell and edited and completed the first 35,000 words
05/10/2015 Completed first 5,000 words of 120 Ways To Maximise LinkedIn

03/10/2015 Started first writing weekend at Clifton Springs (near Geelong in Regional Victoria, Australia) and produced a writing plan and 5,000 words
05/08/2014 Registered domain name
28/06/2014 Attended Natasa Denman‘s ‘3 Ultimate Secrets to Boosting Your Credibility in Business’ Workshop and received a copy of the book ‘Ultimate 48 Hour Author‘
22/04/2014 Started collecting content for three books – 120 Ways To Maximise LinkedIn, 120 Ways to Find a Job in Australia, 120 Ways to Market your Business Hyper Locally
20/08/2013 Announced would be launching an eBook on LinkedIn ‘120 Ways to Maximise LinkedIn’
01/07/2013 Started planning for an eBook on LinkedIn
26/03/2011 Received and email from Reid Hoffmann acknowledging that Sue Ellson is one of the first 100,000 people in the world on LinkedIn

23/10/2008 Sue Ellson started consulting on LinkedIn
21/12/2003 Sue Ellson joined LinkedIn – one of the first 100,000 people in the world (number 77832)
10/06/2003 Lou Callan, travel writer for Lonely Planet said not to write a book unless you have an audience
08/10/2002 Kate Armstrong, Author of ‘Inspiring Adventures Overseas, Special Interest Travel’ encouraged Sue Ellson to write a book about her story as a Newcomer
Buy your copy now!